• 宁波时代铝箔科技有限公司


  • 展商介绍

    波时代铝箔科技股份有限公司成立于 2007 年,经过十多年
    的不懈努力已发展成为中国铝箔制品行业的领军企业,2015 年
    成功挂牌新三板;2016 年被国家工业和信息化部门列入第一
    行业标准独家起草单位,该标准在 2020 年 4 月 1 日正式实施。
    2017 年,被评为国家级高新技术企业。2019 年,宁波时代铝
    浙江制造“品字标”,编号为 T/ZZB 1467—2019,自 2019 年
    12 月 31 日起实施。

    Started at 2007, Ningbo Times Aluminium Foil Technology
    Corp., Ltd. pays unremitting efforts in over a decade to
    become the trend leader in Aluminium Foil industry. At 2015,
    Times listed in NEEQ, 2016 entered Aluminium foil industry
    standardization plan and named to be exclusive drafter of
    “Food service & household Aluminium foil industry standard”
    by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
    P.R.C. The Standard was published and take effect at 1st
    April 2020.
    Appraised National High and New Technology Enterprise at
    2017. The < Standard of Aluminium foil container for heat
    sealing purpose > mainly drafted by Ningbo Times was
    published and take effect at 31th Dec. 2019, standard code T/
    ZZB 1467—2019. It have become the production standard of
    Zhejiang province subsequently




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